The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 856: Brady C

Ah! B-Brady...

Yeah? Whatcha want?

I don't, er... Nothing in particular. ......

Then why ya makin' eyes at me? You got something to say or what?


Then what? Something wrong with you? You coming down with something?

N-no, nothing like that. I'm fine...

Well, you ain't ACTING fine. It's freaking me out! You don't go all quiet when you talk to any of the others.

That's not true! Er, no, it is, but... I'm not being quiet! I'm the same as always...

Sure, fine. Whatever.


...You scared of me? Is that it? I give ya the heebie-jeebies?

I'm not scared! Why would I be scared?! That's crazy talk! You're crazy!

Oh, really?

Y-yes, really... I'm not!

Well, whatever it is, I ain't sticking around so you can gawk. I'm gonna fade. (fades)

*Sigh* I j-just wanted to talk. When I see that face, though, I clam up... It's not my fault he looks so scary!